Twice per week

“over 1 week
Class Title:

What is Even and Odd “The Montessori Way”

Type: Multi-Day Course    “twice per week over one week”
Summary: This live session will teach your learner the difference between even and odd numbers, while engaging in hands on learning
Schedule: 30 mins/ class Size: 4 to 8
­Age: 4 to 8 yrs. Old Cost: $30
Class Experience

This live session will teach children the difference in between odd and even numbers and how we can recognize them. The purpose of this activity is to verify that each number is a quantity on its own and that they can be sequenced. During this live session we will only focus on numbers 1-10.


During class learners will get an opportunity to create numbers with guidance. We will then look at the difference between even and odd numbers. After learners have understood the concept, I will ask open-ended questions.

This class is twice per week over one week

Learners are encouraged to bring a set of numbers 1-10 to class and also 55 counters that they can use to count with.

Learning Goals The goal of this course is to understand the difference between even numbers and odd numbers.
Supply List

·A set of numbers 1-10

·55 counters (for example: beans, round cereal, small items