Class Title: K-2nd...
Hands-On Math (One-Time Class) – 7 to 9 yrs. old
Class Title:...
Hands-on Creation (One-Time Class) – 4 to 9 yrs. old
Class Title:...
Skip Counting Fun With 2’s and 10’s (Multi-Day Course) – 4 to 8 yrs. old
Class Title:...
What is Even and Odd “The Montessori Way” (Multi-Day Course)
Twice per week...
One-on-One Tutoring 2x A Week (Reading, Writing and Math) Ongoing Course – 3 to 10 yrs. Old
Adding and Subtracting 2 Digit Numbers “No Regrouping or Borrowing” (Multi-day Course) – 5 to 10 yrs. Old
Class Title:...
Adding and Subtracting 2- and 3-Digit Numbers “With Regrouping and Borrowing” (Multi-Day Course) -7 to 10 yrs. old
Remarks Class...
Hands On Math “Multi-day Class” (Multi-Day Course) -7 to 10 yrs. Old
Diamond Club Learning Pod: Hands-On Math (Multi-Day Course) -7 to 9 yrs. old
Class Title:...