Class Title:

Building our Social Skills 2x A Week for Two Weeks Camp (With a Family Specialist)

Type: Multi-Day Course
Summary: Improving social skills will allow learners to feel more independent and excited about communicating at a higher level.
Schedule: 30 mins/ class Size: 10 to 15
­Age: 10 to 13 yrs. Old Cost: $68
Class Experience In this class, learners will be given the opportunity to enhance their communication skills with a certified Health and Human Services professional. Some of the topics that we will discuss are empathy, personal space, taking turns, starting a conversation and much more. I will offer open-ended questions that will give each learner an opportunity to respond, and learn at their level. My teaching style is Montessori, and we will have a great time talking and learning with each other.
Learning Goals A few of the most important goals I will focus on are sharing, cooperating, listening, following directions, respecting personal space, making eye contact and using manners. These are just a few of the learning goals that I have in place, but we will also make individual personal goals.
Homework Each learner will be asked to implement the changes that they have learned during class.
Supply List Personal Journal
Progress No assessments needed
Time Commitment 1 hour per week in class, and an estimated 0 – 1 hours per week outside of class.