Catapult Materials:
popsicle sticks (8), rubber bands (at least 5), glue, plastic bottle cap to hold a cotton ball, cotton ball (if you do not have any available, you can make a small ball by crumbling some paper.)
Small open area (One square meter will do. It should be a sturdy, flat surface such as a table or floor.)
Optional: markers to decorate your popsicle stick
Balloon Bottle Car Materials:
Open table space, Tape measure (only if they have one), Wheels (round objects like bottle caps, etc.), Axles (wooden skewers, pencils, straws, etc.), Frame/body (plastic bottles, cardboard boxes, popsicle sticks, etc.)
Straws, Balloons, Rubber bands, Tape, Scissors, Other assorted, classroom/office supplies (paper clips, binder clips, zip ties, etc.)